Nine Days I Am Looking Forward To Celebrating With My Students

Today, for the first time this summer, I looked at a calendar and started mapping out the upcoming school year. I spent some time reading my old blog posts from last year. Looking back at all the great times I had with my students got me thinking about all the fun I’m going to have with next year’s class.

Here are 9 of the days my students and I will celebrate during the 2013-2014 school year:

Mr. Sharp “talks” about how much he loves reading (first day of school)

Dot Day (September 15)


I love celebrating Dot Day with my students. In the past it has been a day that they talk about the entire school year.

First Author Skype (September or October)


Skyping with authors always comes up at the end of the year when my students reflect on their favorite moments of the school year. I can’t wait to see who we end up Skyping with this year.

Want to Skype with an author? Check out Kate Messner’s amazing resource: Authors that Skype for Free

Mock Caldecott November

I can’t think of a better way to teach students about book awards than to have them participate in a Mock Caldecott unit.

Check out this trailer my students made during last year’s unit:

ALA Youth Media Awards (January 27, 8 AM EST)

My students love watching the ALA Youth Media Awards live. My students from the 2011-2012 school year got a little carried away during the Caldecott announcement (see video below).

Since the awards will be announced before school this year, my students and I will be having a before school breakfast party.

International Book Giving Day (February)

book giving day


Book giving day was new for me last year, and boy was it a hit. Seeing the smiling faces of my fourth graders as they carried around their gifted book was priceless.

Read Across America March 3

Anything associated with Dr. Seuss is a hit. Anything.

World Read Aloud Day (March 5)

My absolute favorite day of the school year. I LOVE celebrating this day with my students.

Poem In Your Pocket Day (April 2014)

Poem In Your Pocket Day

I think that this is one of the happiest days of the school year. How could you be sad when everyone you see will read you a poem that they house in their pocket?

Now it is your turn. I know that every single day in our classrooms and libraries are special, but what specific days are you most looking forward to for the upcoming school year?
Colby Sharp (@colbysharp) is a teacher in Michigan. He helps out with Nerd Camp, Title Talk, The Sharp Schu Book Club, and Title Talk. He blogs at sharpread.