Cover Reveal: One Little Bag: An Amazing Journey by Henry Cole

We are excited to reveal the cover for Henry Cole’s upcoming book, One Little Bag: An Amazing Journey (Scholastic Press, April 2020). Henry Cole graciously answered some of our burning questions about the cover and the book.


one little bag cover reveal


How does this cover invite readers into the story without giving too much away?

Your attention is drawn immediately to the paper bag by both the color of the bag and by the boy peering intently at it over the counter, so you know the focal point… and you wonder: how can a BAG be a main character??  Nothing is given away, but the bag is special…. You don’t know why, but you want to find out more.

As the author/illustrator, how do you know a particular scene will make a good cover? Do you solicit feedback from others.

In this case, we thought this particular page would work because the bag is in the center of the page, it’s near the bag’s origin, and lots is going on… so lots to look at, lots to ponder.  Most kids are familiar with check-out at a grocery store, so there is familiarity here and they may be drawn to the setting. This cover was a joint decision between editor, art director, and me.

What do you hope young readers will take away from One Little Bag?  

An understanding of where paper (bags) come from, the importance of valuing and reusing what we have, and also that an everyday object like a bag can become a warm and fuzzy, sentimental, interesting — and even an important piece of family lore.


Henry Cole was born on a dairy farm near Purcellville, Virginia, and was an adored elementary-school science teacher for 16 years. He has since created over 80 popular picture books, including his wordless, award-winning masterpiece Unspoken, Try a Little Kindness, and the Moose series by Margie Palatini. Mr. Cole has always loved art and science, which has made him a keen observer of details in nature. He now lives in both Florida and Virginia.