Among Friends by Katherine Sokolowski

Ah, the power of Social Media, specifically Twitter. There, if you are lucky, you can find people interested in the same things. For me, that would be anything revolving around literacy.

See, I was that kid in your class. The one who tries to sneak a book into their desk. Or, even better, inside of their textbooks. I walked down the halls of school with my book open, trying not to bump into someone as I read. It was inside their covers that I felt the most at home. There I could ride down the Mississippi with Huck and Jim, cry for Heathcliff with Catherine, plan out my cattle drive to Montana with Call and Gus, or listen to Atticus read a bedtime story to Scout. Books were everything to me. When I was young I discussed my favorites with my friends. As I grew up, that happened less and less. I still read all the time but my friends, while wonderful, weren’t as interested in talking about them anymore.

Luckily for me, Twitter allows me to surround myself with like-minded people. An example of this is the recent hashtag, #nerdybookclub. Through this we can embrace our inner nerd, that person inside who views the characters in books as friends, and discuss our favorite books ad nauseam.

The other day John Schu, @MrSchuReads, posted the mock Newbery shortlist from Anderson’s Bookshop. Many of us were lamenting that one of our favorite books, Hound Dog True by Linda Urban, was not on their list. The following tweet from Donalyn Miller, @donalynbooks, went out.

When I replied about wishing we could give the book an award it was purely in jest. But how awesome is this community that Colby and Donalyn have made it a reality? They can create a website, a survey, get Tom Angleberger to create a logo, and bring us all together. I am so glad to be part of this community, to count the #nerdybookclub members as my friends. And I cannot wait to see the amazing books that are nominated, what a wonderful resource for my holiday #bookaday reading it will be.

Katherine Sokolowski


Katherine is a fifth grade teacher in Illinois.  Be sure to check out her blog: Read, Write, Reflect.