Sharp and Schu Gift Books

Can you think of anything better to get or give as a gift than a book? Mr. Sharp and Mr. Schu are giving lots of books this holiday season. Check out their videos below, to see the wonderful books they are giving. You might notice a few Nerdies winners in the video.

We would love to hear what books you are gifting this year. Please share the  books you are gifting in the comments below. We would love to hear the books that you feel are gift worthy.

Sharp Gives Books


Schu Gives Books


We would love to hear about the books you are gifting this holiday season. Please tell us the books you are gifting, who you are gifting them to, and why.


Colby Sharp is a fourth grade teacher at Minges Brook Elementary in Battle Creek, Michigan. He loves helping out with the Nerdy Book Club, and #titletalk. He blogs at sharpread

John Schumacher (aka Mr. Schu) is a teacher-librarian at Brook Forest Elementary School in Oak Brook, Illinois. He is a proud member of the Nerdy Book Club.  He has taught English in Seoul, South Korea, and is loving his eighth year at Brook Forest. John serves on ALSC’s Children and Technology committee, AASL’s Best Websites for Teaching and Learning, and two readers’ choice award committees. He was a judge for School Library Journal‘s 2011 Trailee Awards and recently became a FableVision Ambassador. In his spare time (ummm…what’s that?) he reads, travels, and blogs at Watch.Connect.Read.and Two Libraries, One Voice. John is a 2011 Library Journal Mover and Shaker.