November 27

Books My Students Are Reading | Thanksgiving Break Edition by Colby Sharp

I had a lovely two day week with my students. One of the highlights was a field trip to a bowling alley that we took to celebrate the end of their bowling unit in physical education. In class, we focused a lot of making reading plans for our five day break.

In the video below, I share the books that my students are reading first during break. Please let me know in the comments below what books you are hoping to read during break.

Happy reading!

Colby Sharp is a husband and father of five. He teaches fifth grade in Parma, Michigan. Colby is the co-founder of Nerdy Book Club, and he serves on the Nerd Camp Michigan team. He co-hosts The Yarn podcast with Travis Jonker. Colby currently serves as the president-elect of the Michigan Reading Association. He co-authored Game Changer! Book Access for All Kid with Donalyn Miller, and he is the editor of The Creativity Project: An Awesometastic Story Collection.